curr.csv fef analysis (2021t12m30d) -- pre-summary - lines: 5429150 curr.csv - words: 5429150 111945086 822837129 curr.csv - searching 18 terms. -- end pre-summary pattern i-am (\bi(?:m|\Wm| am| was| have been) (?:not )?(?:a[n]?|the|from|someone|somebody) \w*) matched 6454 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern you-are (\byou(?:re|\Wre| are| were| have been) (?:not )?(?:a[n]?|the|from|someone|somebody) \w*) matched 7972 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern we-are (\bwe(?:re|\Wre| are| were| have been) (?:not )?(?:a[n]?|the|from|someone|somebody) \w*) matched 1336 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern they-are (\bthey(?:re|\Wre| are| were| have been) (?:not )?(?:a[n]?|the|from|someone|somebody) \w*) matched 5559 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern i-am-1l1r (\w+\W+\bi(?:m|\Wm| am| was| have been) (?:not )?(?:a[n]?|the|from|someone|somebody)\W+\w+\W+\w+) matched 6180 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern you-are1l1r (\w+\W+\byou(?:re|\Wre| are| were| have been) (?:not )?(?:a[n]?|the|from|someone|somebody)\W+\w+) matched 8039 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern n-suff (\w*nigger[s]?\b) matched 51961 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern n-word (\bnigger[s]?\b) matched 46187 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern fag (\bfag[s]?\b) matched 20342 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern fag-suff (\w*fag[s]?\b) matched 60872 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern faggot (\bfaggot[s]?\b) matched 54102 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern retard (\bretard[s]?\b) matched 53491 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern tard-suff (\w*tard[s]?\b) matched 66898 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern bro (\bbro[s]?\b) matched 52384 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern bro-suff (\w*bro[s]?\b) matched 67460 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern anon-suff (\w*anon[s]?\b) matched 137740 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern cuck-all (\w*cuck\w*) matched 26467 out of 5429150 curr.csv messages pattern oid-suff (\w+oid[s]?\b) matched 30009 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49,"gokubros" 49,"dobro" 46,"dobros" 45,"ameribro" 44,"bonebros" 43,"turkbro" 42,"swordbro" 42,"mektonbro" 42,"bobros" 41,"donbros" 39,"whitebros" 39,"cunnybros" 37,"holobros" ==> ./stats/fef/bro-vars.csv <== count in corpus,variant 30467,"bro" 23819,"bros" ==> ./stats/fef/cuck-all-boards.csv <== count in board,board 5447,"pol" 3424,"vg" 1984,"v" 1716,"a" 1127,"trash" 956,"b" 941,"int" 939,"tv" 794,"vt" 779,"soc" 602,"sp" 552,"biz" 517,"r9k" 504,"g" 370,"pw" 360,"co" 353,"aco" 349,"his" 336,"bant" 301,"jp" 298,"k" 284,"mu" 275,"gif" 261,"fit" 202,"x" 178,"tg" 166,"lit" 166,"lgbt" 163,"h" 162,"adv" 151,"o" ==> ./stats/fef/cuck-all-vars.csv <== count in corpus,variant 8959,"cuck" 4329,"cucked" 3255,"cucks" 962,"cuckold" 945,"cucking" 759,"christcucks" 677,"christcuck" 385,"cuckoldry" 246,"cuckshit" 224,"wagecuck" 184,"cuckolds" 182,"cuckolding" 161,"cuckquean" 148,"cuckposting" 123,"cuckservatives" 116,"christcuckery" 115,"cuckery" 108,"cuckservative" 108,"cuckoo" 88,"cucky" 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